Family is such a funny word. Family denotes so many images and feelings in my head, so I am sure as a reader, you have your own mixture of emotions that arise. Isn't it funny how such a simple grouping of letters, F-A-M-I-L-Y, can bring up memories, feelings, probably even some nostalgic smells come to mind. Today I bring up family, because as a business owner, horse trainer, and single mother I find that my version of family is a little different than most.
So this weekend was filled like every other weekend at my farm, horseback riding lessons for the young and older students, trips to the grocery store and feed store, even a short trip to the movie theater with my kiddo. However it wasn't until late Sunday afternoon that I realized with a startling revelation that my version of family is HUGE!!
My farm started with a pipe dream and about -800 dollars in my checking account. Yea, I was that mom, living paycheck to paycheck and desperately needing something to change. During one of my late night shifts as a 911 dispatcher, I had a realization that I have property, I have horses, I have a willingness ... I should become a horse trainer. That realization started me down a path, that I could have never anticipated or predicted. There have been many bumps and bruises along the way, but this path is pretty amazing.
Along the years I have met some pretty astounding people along the way. Some of these people have remained in my life along the years, and have watched me, my daughter and my farm grow. Others have flowed in and out of my life like a river and have left a lasting impression on how I work with horses, and people.
It was Sunday afternoon when I was leading part of the new SHSU Equestrian Team on a short trail ride, that I was taken aback by my idea of family. All of these people are my family, they all impact my day to day life in different ways. Some days they are loving sisters and brothers, other days they are the cousins that I want to steal food from, however they are still my family and I would quite literally do anything I can for them.
These ladies, these kids, the amazing people that I have been lucky enough to meet, I am proud to call my family. I love each one of them for what they bring into my life, and I pray every day that I am able to impact their life in a positive way. #jakkfarms