First off, I am an introvert by nature. I am talking, the kind of introvert that would like to stay in bed with a deliciously enchanting book, my dogs, and about a hundred pillows. Especially on cold rainy days, there is nothing like a good book, hot coffee and my fluffy dogs to make a good day, even better. The life style and career path that I have chosen has pushed me forward into being in large crowds and sharing my passion for horses with those around me. I will be the first to admit that it over whelms me at times, however courage is something that I posses in bucket loads!!
Second of all, my daughter and I love to be curious. We love adventures and learning and seeing new cultures. This adventurous life style has further challenged me into sharing my life and growing my business.
So when I decided to move into the world of being a horse trainer, I have found myself taken aback by how much it pushes me out of my comfort zone. I find it thrilling to work my horses, but being able to encourage lasting partnerships with horses and their riders have really lit a new fire in my heart. One thing that I have learned a lot more as of recently is that your comfort zone begins to grow, as you push yourself outside of your limits. A recent example is that I found myself sitting in the stands watching an A rated horse show the other day, by myself! Yall, seriously to do anything by yourself is one thing, but to move inside circles and groups of people that, you are unsure of your place is a huge achievement. You know what, I feel better for going and I learned a lot that I had forgotten over the years.
Now that I am in a constant struggle of being an introvert and chasing dreams I find myself dancing unapologetically on the edges of my comfort zone, while I learn to grown into a better version of myself.
Time is life's most precious gift. Time is the gift we give each other when developing relationships, time is the gift we give ourselves to rest, time is also what we must evaluate when we are moving towards a goal. I will continue to carve out an hour or two a day, to work towards my own goals. Those goals include becoming a more restful soul, a courageous mother, a stronger rider and a better teacher.
What are your goals this year? Will you give yourself the time to work on them? Are you willing to give up one thing, in order to achieve another? Are you willing to stride towards the edges of your comfort zone, face them head on and move them further and further away!