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Horse shows, barrel races, play days, they are all the epitome of what my students train for. I live for the times on the rails when I am watching my students compete. Win loose or draw, there is so much pride I take in seeing them riding and competing! I live for the times I get to hang out with them on the back side of the barns, talk about their hopes and dreams.

We just began the show season for the 2020 year and it was amazing!! I had several students, and when I say several, I mean 11 students total. What a humbling experience to look around and see so many students now, because when I began teaching I travels with maybe 3 or 4. Never in my wildest dreams did I think my program would grow to the size it is now, and it is with bigger dreams that I step towards my future with my students.

The entire time we were at the horse show all I could do was revel in the awesomeness that my entire show team represents. I hope they know that I take pride in each one of their progress, and enjoy pushing them to reach goals that they never thought they would be able to reach.

Life is constantly pushing us towards the path that we need to be on, and now that I see clearly the path I am to be walking on. I will continue to put one foot behind another, I will continue to put miles on my truck, and I will continue to push for greatness from my students.

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