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Writer's pictureKarlie Leblanc


Well, Thanksgiving is here ... well not all the way, but pretty darn close. As I sit down and reflect over the last year, there is a lot to be grateful for. The people I have met along the way, the horses that have come in and out of my life, the decisions that I have made that have continued to push me into the person that I am becoming.

For a moment, let me tell you about raising a daughter on my own. She and I have the absolute same personality. When I mean, the same, it is scary sometimes to see myself reflected back in her words and actions. She is quick tempered, and a cuddle bug all in the same moment, which can give me a bit of emotional whiplash at times. So I tell you this to say, my farm family help me in more ways than I can ever put into words. It is this family, that I say the most prayers of thanks for on the daily basis.

Last night, my daughter was tired, and cranky, and hungry ... it made her a real peach of a kid to be around. Where I as her mother was rapidly growing frustrated with her lack of patience and quick temper, I watched one of the farm moms pull my daughter off to the side. She talked to her and helped her in a way that I just couldn't seem to do. I think when we are to close to a situation, it is hard to see that sometimes we just need a hug. Kylie came and curled up next to me later and fell asleep in my lap. As I ran my fingers through her sweat dampened hair I sent up another prayer of thanks, for the fellow moms and friends that are part of my Farm.

As we move through this world full of misunderstandings, prejudice, and hate let us remember that sometimes we just need a hug. Surround yourself with people that see all the good qualities and the bad and still reflect only love back. It is through love that we truly can conquer it all.

Happy Thanksgiving friends, eat well and be happy this holiday.

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1 комментарий

Heather McCarthy
27 нояб. 2019 г.

I'm not're crying 😭😭😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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